Neujahrsgrüße – Greetings for the New Year 2010 – 迎年法話

Buddhist Christmas Tree Mandala,

As the old year reaches its end, people around the world celebrate the beginning of a new year. From a Buddhist perspective, time has the nature of a cycle, something that repeats itself over and over again. In Buddhism there is no first beginning and no final ending of the universe. Things simply evolve in accordance with natural principles and in particular according to our karma, that is our intentions leading to skilful and unskilful actions — through body, speech or mind. This is something to remember as we enter the new year: we have the opportunity to consciously leave behind those things which we have done or said and which did not bring any positive result, and to determine to cultivate the good things which will bring benefit both to ourselves and to others. What is really positive or negative depends on the context and our situation, and the Buddha advised us to reflect repeatedly on this: before we act, while we act, and after we have acted. Is it truly beneficial to myself and to others? Not just in a limited shortsighted way, but does it really bring long-term benefit to our lives? Wisdom in Buddhism comes from understanding the cause and effect relationship, how certain causes lead to certain results, both in the immediate present and in the future as well. Those who are truly wise will know how to create only happiness and peace in their lives, they will not cause harm and unhappiness for those around them. In this sense we wish to share our blessings with all living beings in Freising and Germany for the New Year 2010:  May you attain happiness and fulfillment, may you not lose that which has already been cultivated through skilful action.

Bhikkhu Gavesako & Bodhi Vihara Sangha

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