Message from Buddhist Student Community: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Hello dear community,

We have just found each other and I hopw we all will have a fascinating and exciting time ahead together. With our new community we got many options available in the future. We can deal with external issues. Maybe public service in and around Munich or Freising and we can assist new students to adapt themselves to their student life here at our campus. Similarly, we can explore our inner world and we can reflect ourselves in the Buddhist sense when we are dealing with the Dhamma. There are 1000 ways for future meaningful and wholesome developments that are made possible to us by having a place to assemble here in the monastery.

For offering this opportunity to us and all the hard work we would like to say thank you to Bhikkhu Thitadhammo and the monastery team.

Thank you so much!

And I would like to ask all members to make up their minds for the next meeting: Please think about how we want to shape and use this Buddhist student community platform.

What do we want? What can we do? Maybe even how we want to do it? All ideas are welcome – don’t mind if they sound silly or phantastic.


We can do this, at the Domberg 10 in Freising on 3rd January 2012 at 7 pm.

In this sense,

we wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Bodhi Students


Buddhist Student Community of Munich and Freising

Domberg 10

85354 Freising