Establishing a Buddhist Student Association in Germany



Dear friends and fellow Buddhists,

in order to

– promote the well-being of Buddhist students in Germany,
– guarantee their rights and obtain all possible benefits as respected and equal members of the student community
– create a representation at the campus
– develop an institution to communicate with the university administration
– create a fund for scholarships and student loans
– aid with knowledge about visa, financing, academics, local culture
– on the long run be able to offer housing facilities (Buddhist student house)
– offer a platform for Buddhist activities at the university (e.g.meditation group)

we want to establish a „Buddhist Student Association“ with the local headquarter in the area of Munich – Freising.

The association will be a project of Buddhistisches Kloster Freising e.V. in the beginning and as such the legal matters can be managed by our registered society for the time being until we feel the moment has come to find a separate legal form for this association.

In order to start a Buddhist student association we need students who want to take over some responsibility and have time to meet 1 time a month.

President: Mr. L…..A…..  (Sri Lanka)
Treasurer: Ms. D…. W….   (China)

As soon as we have found two more officers, we can get started!

We greatly appreciate any form of advise from YOU!

Finally, please be so kind to share this news with your Buddhist friends or anybody who might be interested.


Buddhistisches Kloster Bodhi Vihara
Bodhi Vihara Buddhist Monastery
Domberg 10
85354 Freising

Tel: +49-8161-8627310

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